Management Committee

Ettington Community Centre is a registered charity and managed by a management committee comprised of local volunteers. We are always looking for new people from the community to come and join us to help us to fundraise for projects that will improve the facility and this will include helping to organise regular events to apply for grants.

The Community Centre is at the heart of Ettington village and is a great hub for many social events and activities for all ages. Why not email us to suggest future events you’d either like to attend or help with?

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Steve Lowe

"I see myself as a community man; ever since moving to Ettington in the early 2000s, I have been supporting the community from all different angles. I hope that my experience and contacts within and across the various community groups will help to strengthen the role that the Ettington Community Centre plays and will help to create a better, stronger and more cohesive community.”.

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Roger Gollicker

"I’m retired and have lived in Ettington for just over 10 years now, having moved from Cheshire. Handy with a paint brush and saw and wanting to get a bit more involved with the community, I answered a request about 2 years ago, for help with the centre maintenance. I wasn’t expecting to be asked to run the show, but so far, so good, and I’m now quite enjoying the experience. Never a dull moment and learning all the time."


Steve Austin

"We moved to the village Christmas 2015 from Leamington. I retired a year later and when the trust asked for help running the community centre, I volunteered. It really is a fantastic asset for the village. After starting as part of the maintenance team I became secretary.  I have just handed the secretary position over to Steve Lowe and I remain as part of the committee."


Katy Osbourne

"I started volunteering during the first lockdown as I wanted to help wherever I could with my spare time. Being local means I remember the original village hall and Ettington was ever so lucky to have these fantastic facilities built for them."


Ben Osbourne

"Honestly, I started volunteering because my wife did. But I thoroughly enjoy advising with any I.T issue that may arise and its good that my skills can be utilised. It's enabled me to develop skills and I do like a good challenge." 

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David Hughes

"I've been an Ettington resident for 29 years and have been involved with the Parish Council (currently, Chair) and the Community Centre for the last 10 years or so. I'm one of two Management Committee members nominated by the Parish Council which is a Community Centre Trustee. I'm a retired University Facilities Manager with experience of running a large multi-purpose venue."

Chris Clark

"I've been in the village since 2017. I got involved initially to rebuild the website as I'm from a software engineering background, but since then are involved more and more. I think in any community you get out what you put in"

Our Green Community Centre

Ettington Community Trust is working hard to ensure the community centre utilises green technology.  The main heating comes from a ground source heating system and, when the sun shines, the electricity comes from the solar cells on the roof.

In the last twelve months we have installed the first stage of a battery system which will store excess solar energy generated during the day for use after the sun has gone down.  These batteries also allow us to store cheaper night rate electricity from the grid during the winter months.